» 学业成就计划

The 学业成就计划 within the 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 福勒法学院 is designed to minimize the confusion 和 frustration many first-year law students experience by offering the following:

  • 一对一教师指导
  • undergraduate-to-graduate transition workshops
  • Essay-writing workshops in the 1L substantive law subjects
  • Additional instruction from advanced students (学术研究员)
  • 律师资格考试准备

Such assistance helps students unlock the potential within them to achieve academic success in school, 通过律师资格考试, 和 become productive attorneys.


Associate Dean for Bar Preparation 和 Academic Achievement Mario Mainero 和 Assistant Dean for Academic Achievement Sarira Sadeghi are available to meet with individual students to address their academic needs 和 progress.

Deans Mainero 和 Sadeghi conduct a series of four skills workshops designed to help first-year students transition from undergraduate school to law school. These workshops cover such diverse topics as course outlining, 压力和时间管理, preparation for exams 和 exam writing.

除了, the 学术研究员 also present weekly sessions in exam writing for the specific first-year substantive subjects beginning just before midterms 和 lasting through final exams, 两个学期.


高级学生担任 学术研究员 for the first-year law courses, 以及证据, 联邦所得税, 公司, 与宪法, 须经全体教员同意. The 学术研究员 hold office hours once each week in the fall 和 spring semesters during which they are available to respond to student questions. The 学术研究员 also lead review sessions 和 h和 out exercises in the substantive law subjects for feedback on writing 和 substance, designed to improve students’ exam writing skills. Participation in the review sessions is open to all students, 和 first-year students are strongly encouraged to attend these sessions regularly.


The Academic Achievement program helps 福勒法学院 students succeed, 不仅仅是在法学院, but also on the bar examination. We have designed 和 instituted a full 酒吧预备课程 whose purpose is to fully 和 adequately prepare students for the California Bar Examination.

This program has two major components: two (2) for-credit courses (“Select Topics in American Law” 和 “法律分析工作坊”) 和 a Supplemental Bar Preparation Program offered complimentary to all Chapman students in the two months before the bar exam.

For more information, please feel free to contact Associate Dean Mainero or Assistant Dean Sadeghi.


The Academic Achievement team offers numerous workshops 和 presentations, such as the Bar Examination Preparation Kickoff for Graduating 学生, 如何准备提纲, 时间和压力管理, 和 Essay Writing 和 Preparation. Get your Bar Exam 和 general law school achievement questions answered at these workshops.

霍普·布莱恩(JD '19)

"The 学业成就计划 helped me bridge the gap between undergrad 和 law school by teaching me how to take notes, 大纲, 和 prepare for a law school exam."

巴勃罗·卡尔扎达·穆尼奥斯 (JD '19)

"The people in Academic Achievement program served as examples 和 mentors that helped me succeed throughout law school, 在酒吧里, 现在在我的职业生涯中."