» Reproductive and Sexual 健康

Condoms are free for the asking at the 健康 Center.

The 健康 Center offers Pap smears and birth control pills. An appointment with the gyn nurse practitioner is required. Please call the 健康 Center with your questions about your specific needs.

HIV (or AIDS) testing is available at the 健康 Center. The procedure requires one visit. 

Facts about 紧急 Contraception

  • 紧急 Contraception is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after sex if you didn't use a contraceptive during sex or you think your contraceptive didn't work.
  • 紧急 contraceptive pills contain the same medication as regular birth control pills and help to prevent pregnancy.
  • 紧急 contraceptive pills should be started within 72 (three days) after unprotected sex. 紧急 contraceptive pills are more effective the sooner they are taken.
  • 紧急 contraceptive pills >不会 流产. 紧急 contraceptive pills are NOT the same as RU-486. The pills are not effective after implantation and cannot interrupt an established pregnancy and 不会 effect a woman's ability to become pregnant in the future.
  • Many women find it convenient to have emergency contraceptive pills on hand in case of an emergency.

All medical information is strictly confidential and can only be shared with your signed consent for release of information.

To schedule a free STD/HIV presentation for your club, group or class, see: 

Chapman PEER 和健康教育

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